🧬 Holistics June 2023 Product Updates

Hi there,

It’s Gus from the Growth Team at Holistics. Trust you’re doing well. This month, we’ve brewed some exhilarating updates and I can’t wait to tell you about them.

So without further ado, let’s dive headfirst into this buffet of analytics deliciousness! :slight_smile:

Community Highlights

Let’s take a glance at some interesting community posts we’ve handpicked for you:

For more of these, feel free to join our community. We’d love to have you there!

[Open For Beta] Query Parameters

Super glad to share that we’ve been making significant strides with our Query Parameters (aka Dynamic Models), and now it’s open for Beta.

With Holistics’ Query Parameters, analysts can define reports that can take user inputs, and inject them directly into a model/report definition.

One of our latest developments is Date Parameter which will be available in our upcoming beta release. To create a Date Param and use it in the SQL definition of a Query Model, you just need 02 steps:

1. Define the Date Param

param created_at_param {
  label: 'Created At Param'
  type: 'datetime'

2. Use the Date Param in your SQL definition

FROM ...
WHERE {%filter(created_at_param) %} date_column {%end %}

That’s it. And it’ll look like this in action.

For more information and detailed instructions, check out our detailed documentation here: Query Parameters

[Official Release] Usage Monitoring

Drum roll, please…because thrilled as we are to announce the official release of the Usage Monitoring feature, following a successful Beta program! Thank you for keeping the mailman busy and sending us all your insightful comments and thoughts - and we’ve been putting those to work!

In this official launch, we’ve released a plethora of upgrades to our Usage Monitoring - including Lists of dashboards with no view, Tracking of Private Dashboards, Performance improvements, and many more…

You can read more about it her: :clapper: Usage Monitoring: Beta Program Ending & Official Release | Holistics Community

[Launched] Dashboard Metadata

With Dashboard Metadata, you can quickly glance over the dashboard descriptions and know who made it, when the last edit was made, who frequent viewers are, and more.

We hope this will help you foster better cross-functional collaboration by providing more visibility into how your organization creates and shares reports.

Learn more here: Dashboard Metadata | Holistics Docs

[Launched] Time Filter

Time Filter is officially launched! With this feature, you now can flexibly filter data using different time granularities.

Please note that this feature is specifically designed for the Field filter that utilizes the Timestamp field only.

[Launched] Mass Filter Inputs

Instead of adding manually each value into a filter, now you can just copy and paste (up to 2000 values) into a filter.

Learn more about it here: Mass input a list of values for Filter & Condition

[Launched] API v1 Deprecation

During the past few months, we have been working to make our API V2 a more robust and friendly version, which has now exceeded our legacy API V1. We figured it’s now time to help API V1 users migrate to V2 and soon deprecate that legacy version.

Check out our detailed post here: Deprecating APIs V1 | Holistics Community.

[Upcoming] Dataset View

We’re currently working on an upcoming feature called “Dataset View,” which is a major upgrade to Holistics Datasets. This feature aims to let dataset creators design an ideal self-service experience for their end users, by allowing them to customize the grouping of fields and models within datasets.

How it works: By default, datasets in Holisitics display all data models and fields in the same order listed in the AML files. Now with Dataset View, creators can:

  • Select Fields: choose which fields to show in the dataset UI.
  • Re-order Fields and Models: Rearrange fields and models within the dataset for easier navigation.
  • Group models or fields: Put fields or models inside the same group.

Stay tuned for its upcoming announcement here: :card_index_dividers: [Upcoming] Customizable Dataset Views - Product Releases

[Upcoming] Dashboard POP

This is a quick teaser for our under-development Dashboard Period-over-Period Comparison.

Stay tuned for its upcoming announcement!

June UX Updates

Like always, 10 UX updates every month. Check out all of the improvements we’ve made here: 2023 June UX Rondup.

A Meme A Day Keeps Troubles Away

(If you don’t get it, you have to take a look at this)

P/S: Holistics Monthly Product Updates are sent to all Holistics users. However, if you’re forwarded this email and want to get more updates from our Product team, join our newsletter

That’s all for this month! Stay safe everyone, see you next month!