📣 Holistics July 2023 Product Updates

Hello hello, our Holistics people :wave: ! I can’t believe it’s August already, July went past in just a blink.

For my European friends, welcome back to work! I hope you’ve had a great long break. Over here in Asia, we don’t take summer breaks (even though it’s pretty hot lately), that’s why for this month’s update I’m going to give you so much good stuff :partying_face:

:school: Training sessions for Holistics users (complimentary)

If someone just invited you to Holistics, then this is for you. Chances are you still get lost here and there, and have some difficulty navigating the platform and getting the data you need.

Starting this month, we’ll be offering regular live training sessions to help you familiarize yourself with the platform. We will walk you through Holistics best practices and help you put Holistics to the best use.

Each training session is 60-min long, conducted via Google Meet, and there are various time slots available to accommodate different time zones so that you can always join at your convenience. And oh it’s completely free of charge.

Here’s what you can expect in the session:

  • For Business Users: How to navigate, create, and share dashboards, including customizations and collaboration with data teams.
  • For Data Team: Best practices for data modeling, dataset creation, version control with Git, and implementing data governance including access control, row-level permissions, and sharing options.

Interested? Find a slot.

:sunrise_over_mountains: Dashboard period-over-period (PoP) comparison

PoP comparison was a hit with a lot of our users as it allows anyone to get insights into how data fluctuate over time. However, previously in Holistics, PoP could only be set up by data analysts. Viewers don’t have the option to turn it on/off freely.

Recognizing the inconvenience and the growing demands for a more unified experience, we took a step forward: PoP comparison is now available at the dashboard level.

Dashboard explorers can now choose to apply the same PoP comparison to numerous widgets within a dashboard and get a bird-eye view into how multiple metrics are changing over time.

For more details, check out our release note here.

:robot: Curating the self-serve experience of data consumers with Custom Dataset View

“Is there a way to customize what fields in the model and dataset are being shown to end users for self-serve exploration? Otherwise, my users are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of fields available.”

Yes, we heard you. Introducing Custom Dataset View, where you can curate precisely what the end users will see.

This feature is now immediately available to all 4.0 customers on Standard Plan and above. Learn more here.

:factory: Better error handling in as-code modeling (Holistics 4.0)

What makes a good coding IDE? Among other things, it should tell you where your code got wrong, and how to fix them.

Well, we just made our coding IDE a little better: When doing analytics development, Holistics IDE now tells you where your modeling code is broken, and what exactly is wrong with them.

:bar_chart: And more reporting improvements!

:alarm_clock: ISO Date, ISO Week, and more date formats

With an expanded range of data formats for both visualization settings and modeling, presenting dates the way you like - has never been easier.

:pizza: Allow leaving the single-select filter empty

We have released a new option in Single-select List filter settings, where you can allow your dashboard viewers to leave the value field empty.

:milky_way: Community Highlights

Let’s take a glance at some interesting community posts we’ve handpicked for you:

For more of these, feel free to join our community. We’d love to have you there!

:art: UX Updates

Like always, we jazz things up with a bunch of new UX improvements to make your day-to-day of working with Holistics even more delightful.

Check out our latest UX Update here: 2023 July UX Roundup.

A Meme A Day Keep Troubles Away

Final words

That’s all for this month. If you’re curious about our upcoming direction, check out our Product Roadmap.

I’ll see you again real soon!