Holistics October 2022 Product Updates

Hi there,

It’s Khai from the Product Team at Holistics. Today, we are excited to roll out some biggest changes of Holistics, and we want to keep you in the loop.

Let’s unfold what we’ve shipped to you this month!

Community Highlights

Let’s take a glance at some interesting community posts we’ve handpicked for you:

For more of these, please feel free to join our community. We’d love to have you there!

Timezone Settings

Finally, we have already supported the smart timezone for all 9 databases :tada: And the fixed dashboard timezone is coming soon lah ~

For more information, you can check our public doc here: Timezone Settings | Holistics Docs

Improved job queuing status in loading messages

Users will now have a better and more accurate sense of how the job queuing is progressing. No more plain “Loading” texts!

Help Center

Holistics just makes an update on our ‘Help Center’ that provides our users with extra capabilities and resources to navigate the platform with ease

For more information, you can check our announcement here: Launched: Help Center Improvements

“Starts with” & “Ends with” operators for Text filter

We have just released the starts with & ends with operators, which will allow you to filter for text values that start (or end) with the string you input.

For more information, please refer to our public doc: Text Filters | Holistics Docs.

(Coming soon) Usage Monitoring

A dashboard where Admin can monitor object usage & user activity of their tenants, with more details & context than the current Activity Logs :eyes:

(Coming soon) dbt Cloud integration

If you guys are using dbt Cloud and want to synchronize your metadata from dbt to Holistics, our upcoming dbt Cloud integration will definitely make your life easier.

October UX Improvement

:jack_o_lantern: October UX roundup - 15+ improvements - News from Holistics / Product Releases - Holistics Community

Data Joke

That’s all for our October. See you next month :heart:


For the monitoring dashboard, will you also be able to show which dashboards aren’t be viewed or used at all? I think this is a key metric for a lot of teams as you do not want to maintain data and dashboards that are not being used.


Thank you for this input, @DataGeekDude ! :clap:t2:
In this Beta version of Usage dashboard, we haven’t specifically created a widget to list all unused dashboards.
Although, we actually have a widget listings all dashboards that are viewed within the filtered period of time (with its view count). And the dashboards not listed here are the ones having no views.

Though, I understand this case completely. And I’ll see if we could show the dashboards with no view as well. Cheers, Craig!