Holistics March 2022 Product Updates ✨

Hi all :wave:,

Here is a quick summary of the product updates from March 2022. (Sorry for the late post! )

Community Highlights

We love seeing our community grow and we‘re delighted every time we get a notification for a feature suggestion, a trick, or a question from our users (so thank you!).

Below are the community highlights from March:

Feature suggestion: Ability to use {{$lastmonth}} variable on email body and subject from @harris

Feature suggestion: Paste List from clipboard into Filter list from @Xing

Tip: Create derived fields from timestamp for your Data Model from @Quynh_Le

Dashboard Date Drill Option in Dashboard Preference

As shown below, you can now turn on/off the dashboard date drill option with just a click.

Dynamic Text Color Depending on Background (conditional formatting)

To improve readability, we’ve made the text color to be dynamic, switching between white and black depending on the background’s color.

Impersonation Mode now supports viewing and editing private resources

You can now view and edit your impersonate’s private resources given that you have access permission to those resources in your original account.

For more information, you can read our announcement here: Impersonation Mode now supports viewing and editing private resources

Performance Improvements

Recently, we have done several optimizations to improve the loading speed of Holistics. For more information, you can read our announcement here: Launched: Performance Improvements

In the next few months, you may notice some performance updates from our team. Hope that our enhancement will bring you better experience with Holistics!

External git integration

External git integration is officially available for 4.0 customers. You can now connect to your external repo (GitHub or GitLab) to perform further Git operations (like creating PR or setup CI/CD workflow).

For more information, please refer to this document Connect to an external git repo | Holistics Docs

WIP- AML 2.0

UX improvement: Proposes a mechanism that should be easy and friendly for analysts to use to reference objects in different files and modules.

  • Object names are unique across projects
  • Import object statements are no longer required
  • Adding datasets to index.aml is no longer required

Concept: Clearly defines the organization concept: modules for AML provide a way to group similar AML objects and functions together. For more information, please refer to our community post here.

Coming Soon

Custom charts

  • You will be able to upload your own custom charts to Holistics, then use our drag-and-drop interface to explore data & change visual styles

Date Joke

That’s all folks,

We’ll be sharing April’s product updates very soon.


Hi Nadia,

Are you able to share anything more on these improvements and timelines? This is our biggest user issue and it means we still have people using Google Data Studio (GDS) over Holistics as the responsiveness on the same datasets is very noticeably faster in GDS. For instance, our head of product can’t do true “train of thought analysis” as filters and chart loads times are very slow in comparison.

A good paper explaining why this is an issue can be found here: