Holistics February 2022 Product Updates

February passed by really fast but has been life-changing for some people around the world, so in the midst of it all, we hope that you’re safe and sound.
At Holistics, the Lunar new year break was much needed, as it boosted our productivity throughout the month and helped us check off many items from our to-do list.

In short, here is what we have been up to:

Community Highlights

Our community is an open space for customers and experts to help each other and share tips and useful resources.

Export reports to the same Excel files

Now you can choose to export all widgets in the dashboard into separate excel files, or into a single excel file.

Please drop by our release note to share your feedback and ideas.

Export multiple widgets into the same Google Sheets file

You can also choose to export selected widgets in the dashboard into the same Google Sheets file, without having to create multiple schedules like before.

Please drop by our release note to share your feedback and ideas.

New KPI Metric style and color palettes

We’ve been receiving a lot of feedback on the chart colors from our customers, which drove the new improvement on our default color palettes. We have recently made a change on the KPI Metric style and introduced drum rolls 7 new color palettes to address the accessibility and aesthetic issues.

For more information on why we decided to change our color palettes and how to utilize them to create an efficient chart, you can read our post.

EU/US Data Center Migration

An auto-migration process to transfer data from customers’ existing SG account to a new EU/US account.

If you want to migrate your Data Center, please send a request by filling out this form.

WIP - External git integration (GitHub/GitLab)

For now, users can only apply basic git operations to their analytics workflow (branching, commit, push, pull, resolve conflict) but the repository is managed totally by Holistics.

With External Git integration, you can have a copied version of your analytics project on your own Repository (GitHub or GitLab) so that you can apply more advanced git operation to your workflow (for example, Pull/Merge Request for Data Integrity).

Coming Soon:

Data Joke

That’s all for this month.