Upcoming: Ability for explorers to edit, create canvas dashboard in Reporting

Hi Holistics community :wave:

Currently, explorers who want to build their own dashboards must create private dashboards and then share them with other users. Unfortunately, this approach prevents admins and analysts from viewing and managing these private dashboards. One workaround is promoting explorers to analysts, which allows them to create and edit dashboards but also grants them unwanted access to the Modeling layer.

Our Solution

To solve these challenges and enhance self-service and management capabilities, we’re excited to introduce our new feature: ​Ability for explorers to edit, and create dashboards in Reporting ​.

What’s New?
Admins and analysts can now grant explorers permissions to:

  • Edit and delete specific dashboards.
  • Create, edit, and delete dashboards and folders within a specified folder

All without accessing the Modeling layer. Plus, all changes are saved as code in your repository for consistency and traceability.

Check out the demo below to see this feature in action:

We believe this update will streamline your workflow and enhance efficiency. As always, your feedback and support are greatly appreciated!


This is exciting! When will it be released?


Hi @Hang_Hoang We’re thrilled to hear you’re excited! :tada: This feature will be available in October. Stay tuned for updates!