Ever wished you could get more specific with your data filtering?
We’re excited to bring to you Condition Group - a customizable filtering feature in Reporting, which lets you:
- Create “OR” conditions between different fields;
- Nest multiple “AND”, “OR” conditions into groups.
Please note the following prerequisites for Condition Group functionality:
- 4.0 version: If you are in 3.0 version, your team is required to upgrade to 4.0 version to use this feature.
- AQL-enabled: Once your version is in 4.0, make sure it has been enabled with our new, innovative Analytics Query Language (AQL). More details and request to enroll in our beta AQL here.
- AQL-engine Dataset: Condition Group is currently only available in datasets supported by AQL engine. Check out how to enable it with a simple step.
Future plan
- Condition Group is currently available at Report level.
- For future plan, we are analyzing the use cases and solutions for Dashboard and Data Alert. If you have a use case or any idea in mind, do share with us so we can create the best solution for your need
- More information: Public Docs | Condition Group
- Other features we are working on: Public Product Roadmap