Change date drill setting on dashboard schedule

We are able to configure the filters on a dashboard schedule, but depending on the filters applied, it may be required to change the aggregation level of the date drill. Could this be added as a setting?

Hi @Alex_H,

I totally agree that being able to change date drill setting in Dashboard export schedule makes a lot of sense in our Data Delivery feature.

Let me add this to our backlog and raise it with the team. Will get back to you with updates on it!

In the meantime, could you share more about your use case for us to understand it better?
i.e. How may some applied filters require you to change the date drill setting for your export?

We have a dashboard that is scheduled for automated send daily, weekly and monthly with different appropriate date filters. The greater the time period the lower resolution date filter we need on the time based charts.

Thanks for replying, @Alex_H! Got your case there, will let you know when there is any update.

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Hi @Alex_H

Hope you are well! I’m getting back with updates.

We recently rolled out the new version of Dashboard Date Drill (Beta). With this new version, you can set up the date transform for each email schedule. That, among other upgrades to Dashboard Date Drill in this change.
Do check out the release note: Beta release: A new version of Dashboard Date Drill.

Let me know if this is helpful, or if you have any other question Alex. Cheers! :beers: