Body content of the email in Data Alert

In data alert by email we can add many recipents that will received the message …
My question is ::
In email body can we drow a table and render some columns from the report … I mean what data that we can import it from the report and put it inside the body content in the email message so the recived person will see the table and the data that I put it inside of it

Also can I put the recieved persons as “To” or “CC” Like the actual email ?

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Hi Hamza! Welcome to the community and thank you for posting your question.

can I put the received persons as “To” or “CC” Like the actual email

Apologies for the inconvenience but we are not supporting this option. We will surely add this to our backlog for future improvement.

In email body can we … import it from the report and put it inside the body content in the email message so the received person will see the table and the data that I put it inside of it

We are not supporting this option in Data Alert feature. However, I just wanted to flag it up that we do have this option in the feature Data Delivery > Email Schedule, wondering if that might work for your case?

Looking forward to helping you with this!