🍉 2024 June UX roundup

Boost your June workflow! :muscle::battery: We’ve packed in 10+ exciting UX/UI improvements.

Let’s explore them together! :star2:


  • Say goodbye to grayed-out titles :wave:. Your dashboard title now looks sharp, even when shared or embedded.
  • Custom formatting: No more missing padding at the bottom.
  • The Dataset View button and search bar are now properly center-aligned :triangular_ruler:.
  • Ever struggled to find your fields :woman_facepalming:, only to realize that they’re already there in the Original View? :exploding_head: We want to help with that by providing more information about hidden fields in the Dataset View list, so that your confusion is eliminated :heart_eyes:

  • Visualization settings got a spring clean :shower::four_leaf_clover:. The “Add” button has moved in with the charts, making room for a cleaner workspace.
  • Data Schedules are in alignment: control pills are now perfectly lined up for a smoother interface.
  • The “Send Test” button now sits beside recipients, ensuring you target the right audience. Test smarter, not harder :muscle:
  • One-click canvas creation :dash: : Skip the unnecessary info filling, and create your canvas dashboard with a single click.
  • We’ve fine-tuned the alignment and padding of 3.0 Dashboard header for a sleek and organized look :sparkles:


  • :star: [coming soon] Discard like a boss: Discard all changes with a single click :exploding_head:


  • Tired of moving your mouse to confirm “Discard Change”? Press Enter for a keyboard shortcut superpower :zap:
  • Rename on the go: Change file names directly from the top navigation, no need for navigation detours :wink:.

Holistics keeps getting better :clap::potted_plant: Huge thanks to your feedback :fist_right::sparkles: :fist_left:. Stay tuned for next month’s exciting updates! :purple_heart:

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