I delayed reporting this because I thought I must be imagining things, but I’ve stumbled on it a few times now and can reproduce it! When I have multiple chart visualizations on the same dashboard such as column charts and line charts, when I modify the x-axis sort order on one chart and go back to the dashboard I’ve noticed that sometimes the sort order of the x-axis on another chart also appears changed.
For example, I can recreate the bug like this (using Legacy dashboards, but I think I’ve seen it in Canvas too):
chart one is a column chart (total sales per seller) with the x-axis sorted by the y-axis value high to low
chart two is a column chart (same: total sales per seller) but with the x-axis sorted alphabetically by seller
then I open chart two to edit it and change the x-axis sort to reverse alphabetical
now when I return to the dashboard chart one is also appearing to be sorted reverse alphabetical
refreshing the browser or opening, saving, and closing chart 1 restores the intended sort order
I wouldn’t expect the settings on one chart to change the appearance of another!
@kaid unfortunately I saw this behavior again in a Canvas report today. It happened on two horizontal bar charts. I was able to restore the desired sorting behavior by opening the report for edits and closing it without making any edits.