Webinar: Make The Most Of Holistics' Custom Charts

As your organization grows, Holistics’ out-of-the-box visualization may not be enough for your analytics needs. Finance might ask for a Histogram, or Marketing might ask for a scatter plot, or you want to create a more customized chart type with modifications specific to your organization.

A while ago, we launched Custom Charts to solve this problem.

With Custom Charts, data team can create chart templates using Holistics and Vega-lite syntax. Once created, it is available to everyone in your organization to use.

The potential is huge - so we want to provide you with key items and resources you’ll need to successfully use Custom Charts.

In this webinar, we’ll talk about:

  • Define fields using Holistics AML
  • Control styling options for your charts
  • Adopt the vega-lite library for template definitions
  • Refactor basic vega-lite templates to add flexibility to your visualizations

Dedicated Holistics CMS will be hosting this session and answering your questions in real-time. Details about the event are as follows:

Estimated Duration: 60 minutes

Location: Zoom Conferencing

Date: Feb 3rd, 2023

Time: 10AM Eastern Time

Invitees: Admin & Analyst users

Sign up here: https://calendly.com/holistics-webinars/custom-charts. We look forward to seeing you in the webinar :slight_smile: