Scheduled exports on a canvas dashboard with attachment type "CSV (Formatted Data)" fails

When I attempt to create a scheduled email send on a canvas dashboard with attachment type “CSV (Formatted Data)”, it fails, with the output saying “csv_formatted_data” isn’t part of the enum in #/components/schemas/DataScheduleAttachmentFormat". Screenshot of the error message is attached below.

Hi @anya.conti,

Thank you for reaching out to us and sorry about this inconvenience!

Regarding the issue, we confirm this is a bug from our side. We are actively working on it and will let you know if we have new updates!

Best regards,

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Hi @anya.conti,

We have released the fix for this issue. Could you please check if it works on your side or not?

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,


Hi Toan,

This seems partially fixed, thanks. When I select csv formatted data, that now works. But when I select “Multiple Excel files”, I get a very similar error, screenshot attached below (note “Single Excel file” works file). Should I open up a new bug post, or would you like to include it in the same thread?

All the best,

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Hi @anya.conti ,

Thank you for getting back to us again!

We have released a fix for “Multiple Excel files” issue. Could you please check if it works on your side or not?

Best regards,


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Seems to be fixed, thank you so much for the help!