Reused block? Undo it back to normal

In my 4.0 dashboard (the ONLY dashboard in the account), one of my block is saying it is a “Reused Block” and cannot be edited in the visual designer. I don’t recall making it so, and I cannot find any reused reference in the AML. How can I set it back to “normal”?


Hi David,

Could you please click on the “Code” button of the block and share the block definition as it appears in the code editor? I’ve attached an image below for reference.

block v11: VizBlock {
label: ‘Load Sales Summary’
viz: DataTable {
dataset: accounting_data
calculation untitled_dimension_5193cef {
label: ‘Profit_full_Pct’
formula: @aql dbo_vw_load_profits.load_profit_pct * 100;;
calc_type: ‘dimension’
data_type: ‘number’
model: dbo_vw_load_profits
filter {
field: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘load_total’)
operator: ‘not_null’
fields: [
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘Ship Date’
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_first_pickup_stop’, ‘stop_date’)
format {
type: ‘date’
pattern: ‘yyyy-LL-dd’
uname: ‘dbo_vw_load_first_pickup_stop_stop_date’
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘Load#’
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘load_id’)
format {
type: ‘number’
pattern: ‘none’
uname: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_id’
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘Status’
ref: ref(‘dbo_loads’, ‘status_code’)
format {
type: ‘text’
uname: ‘dbo_loads_status_code’
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘Carrier’
ref: ref(‘dbo_carriers’, ‘name’)
format {
type: ‘text’
uname: ‘dbo_carriers_name’
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘Gross’
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘load_sum_all_charges’)
format {
type: ‘number’
pattern: ‘[$$]#,###0.00’
uname: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_sum_all_charges’
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘Cost’
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘load_sum_all_costs’)
format {
type: ‘number’
pattern: ‘[$$]#,###0.00’
uname: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_sum_all_costs’
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘Net’
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘load_total’)
format {
type: ‘number’
pattern: ‘[$$]#,###0.00’
uname: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_total’
VizFieldFull {
label: ‘P/L %’
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘untitled_dimension_5193cef’)
format {
type: ‘number’
pattern: ‘#,###0.00’
settings {
sorts: [
SortSetting {
field_index: 0
direction: ‘desc’
conditional_formats: [
ConditionalFormat {
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘untitled_dimension_5193cef’)
format: ScaleFormat {
min {
value: -100
color: ‘#E71F18
mid {
value: 2
color: ‘#E19C56
max {
value: 20
color: ‘#47B881
ConditionalFormat {
ref: ref(‘dbo_vw_load_profits’, ‘load_total’)
format: SingleFormat {
condition {
operator: ‘less_than_equal’
value: 0
text_color: ‘#FFFFFFFF
background_color: ‘#D70909
row_limit: 5000
column_width {
manual_widths: [
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘holistics_row_number
width: 83
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_id’
width: 71
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘dbo_loads_status_code’
width: 90
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘dbo_carriers_name’
width: 162
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_sum_all_charges’
width: 109
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_sum_all_costs’
width: 84
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘dbo_vw_load_profits_load_total’
width: 97
ColumnWidth {
key: ‘dbo_vw_load_first_pickup_stop_stop_date’
width: 119
aggregate_awareness {
enabled: true
debug_comments: true

Still looking for help with this…

Hi @David_Carnley,

Thank you for your patience, and apologies for the delay. We found a bug causing blocks to be incorrectly marked as reused. A patch is ready, and I’ll update you once it’s released.

Thanks again for your understanding!