Report/Dashboard Usage Monitoring


thanks for the answer and I am happy to share more details. My use case is twofold:

We are having hundreds of dashboards and it is quite hard and time-consuming to keep them all up and running. Just a normal maintenance trap which consumes more and more time.
If we had an overview that half of the dashboards are not used at all, we could simply remove them and concentrate on the used dashboards, freeing us time for other tasks than mere dashboard maintenance.

An important performance KPI of my analyst team is how much value we are providing to the company. This value is broken down to dashboard usages. The more a dashboard is used in our company, the more value it obviously provides. The more of those valuable dashboards we create, the better we are performing.
If we had an overview on the number of usages by dashboard, we can track this number and see an evolution over time and measure how much value we are providing for our users.

Solution idea:
There is already a page for jobs monitoring and activity log. I could imagine an additional menu item for dashboard (and report) usages with the possibility to select a time range, maybe a filter/search possibility to restrict the results. If there would be a simple list of dashboards and corresponding usages with timestamp and user, together with an export possibility to csv… that would already be great!

Thanks alot,

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Thank you for sharing your case @Peter_Massuthe
As far as we understand, you’d like to know which reports/dashboards are used the least, so that you can remove them / don’t need to maintain them anymore. Please correct us if we missed anything.

If it’s your case, would you mind sharing with us more detailed on what it will look like:
1/ What (important) information do you need to monitor the dashboard/report usage?
For example, number of dashboard/report views through time.

2/ What behaviors do you want to do to know more about the dashboard usage?
For example, filtering data by date

It would be better if you could give us a sketch of your ideal usage monitoring page. Thank you!

Yes that is exactly the goal: see/detect unused dashboards in order to lifecycle them and reduce maintenance efforts.

As important dimensions I would only need the name of the dashboard and the only KPI I am interested in is #views per month over the last months. A table would be sufficient for me, a column chart with numbers and totals would be nice to have.

As for filtering or additional features, I think all of them are ‘nice to have’ in my use case. But I could image a date selector to focus on a specific time period, and maybe a text filter for the dashboard name. Sorting ascending/descending according to the number of usages would also support my use case.

In a perfect high-end scenario I could image to have a few internally accessible holistics variables similar to the filter variables (e.g. sth like {{#dashboard_views}}, {{dashboard_name}}, {{user_name}}, etc.) available. Then I could use all dashboard capabilities of holistics and just build my own dashboard according to my needs :slight_smile:

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I think basic data like dashboard viewed, user, date/time is a great starting point.

I’d love to see that explanded though to also include things like

  • time spent
  • filters applied
  • report interactions
  • etc

that will get a better idea of whether they’re simply viewing it, or whether they’re interacting with it (and what parts they’re interacting with)

If I see there is a specific report that is interacted with a lot, I can consider whether I can provide some additional enrichment to this report.


We would also love the ability to see this data.

Our use case is very similar to the above explanations.

The main underlying issue is not being able to understand usage of Holistics at all. Are people using the platform or not? Are people accessing dashboards or not?

I think a Holistics Dashboard on Holistics would be a great start to this to provide the sort of overviews as described above by all.

The best scenario might be a basic dashboard but also the ability to extract the data, via a webhook or API that we can load into our warehouse and use. This can then be fed into another dashboard that we have more control over.


Seeing this supported by more users, I thought to share the workaround that we found for us.

Using an SQL dashboard (holistics 2.0), you just take any of the tiles and hardcode an insert statement right before the actual business logic. This is how it could look like

INSERT INTO dashboard_access_logs VALUES (NOW(),‘Dashboard XYZ’);
select from ; – whatever you would normally do here

As you know which dashboard it is, you hardcode the title parameter to contain the dashboard name. The timestamp parameter will allow you to analyze later. Do not forget to click the radio button “non-select query” as otherwise holistics will complain that this is not a SELECT statement.

For also being able to track a dashboard 3.0, we created a database function which does the same insert statement but additionally returns the timestamp. (Actually we could use the same approach for dashboards 2.0, too, now that I am thinking about it ;)) Additionally, we created one individual data model per dashboard that we want to track. The data model basically just does this:

SELECT insert_dashboard_tracking(‘Dashboard XYZ’) AS current_time_stamp

Now you will need a separate tile on your dashboard XYZ showing “current_time_stamp” from the corresponding data model XYZ. You need this step since if the data model is not really used, it will not trigger the insert.

Having a table with access timestamps and dashboard name in your DWH, you now can build your own dashboard visualizing access over time grouped by dashboard name, for instance.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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@di.hoang is this something that Holistics would be willing to implement or expose for customers to do usage monitoring?

Without this type of internal reporting, we really have no idea if a dashboard is worthwhile maintaining and putting resources onto working on it.

Even if this is just a table/dataset that we can create our own reports on as a first step this would be invaluable. We do not need a pre-built dashboard necessarily.


Hi @DataGeekDude
We planned to support it this year but decided to postpone it a little bit due to the resources scarcity and roadmap changes. However, we understand that it would be a useful feature for our customers, and are considering bringing it back.
So, really appreciate your patience and understanding during this time :blush:


Thanks for the updated message.

I think it would be a great addition to Holistics as it would really allow all companies and teams to be able to focus on the best impact Holistics can have across an org, rather than maintaining out of date and unused dashboards.


Just to add, I spotted a duplicate or associated request along these lines:

I am actually looking to build a workaround using the activity log, but since there is not download feature here it does make it quite difficult.

Yeah, even just making the Activity Log available to us as a dataset / data connection would be a useful first step

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Because this was needed ASAP here, I’ve manually copy and pasted the results from the activity log, and ran through a bash script to transform into a CSV file, then uploaded this to our data warehouse to report on. Results are interesting and very useful.

Hey Craig,

Did you mean that you manually copied the results from the webpage display?

I’ve actually gotten the Support team to create a customised report that can export the same into CSV (I am using Holistics 3.0). You might want to give it a shot at dropping Holistics support a ticket on this :).

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Thats awesome Jeff, yeah I manually copied from the web page! The CSV would be so much more helpful!

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Hi all,
Since we are planning to support this feature in the next few months, our team might reach out to you to ask more about your cases (via community or support ticket). Thanks for your support in advance :blush:



I would also be interested in having that csv exported. To who should I reach out?

Hi @Abdel & everyone :raising_hand_man:t2:,

We are going to release a Beta feature called “Usage monitoring dashboard” (accessible by tenant’s admins), so that you can see pre-built reports on your tenant’s usage.

We won’t be supporting CSV exports in particular (not for now, at least). But I’m optimistic that Usage monitoring dashboard would be quite capable here.

We are announcing it in the next few days. But do feel free to let me us know now if you are interested in Beta testing this dashboard :smiley:
Cheers :beers:!

Hi everyone, thanks for the patience :pray:t2:
Wanna let you know the Usage Monitoring dashboard (Beta) is here :rocket:!

Do check it out at the announcement post here Beta: Usage Monitoring, and let me know if you guys are interested in Beta testing the dashboard. Cheers~

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Hi @vu.duong,

thanks for the Usage monitoring dashboard, it provides valuable insights.

Do you plan to track and report also data exports? For some of my colleagues it’s more comfortable to just download data and wrangle them in Excel and seeing which colleagues do that with which data would help me either improve dashboards in Holistics, or maybe come up with ways to provide them with data in a bit more comfortable way.

Thank you.

Hi @JanKadlec,

I’m very glad that you find Usage monitoring dashboard helpful :slight_smile:

Regarding Tracking data exports activities: We haven’t got a plan for it yet, but your request is duly noted. We’re still improving the feature and will surely consider this use-case.

Out of curiosity, how do you intend to use this export activity data to improve the dashboards, or help your users answer their questions better? I would love to know, to see if there’s anything we can support your case with in the meantime.

Cheers! :beers:

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