Query Parameters not working with Canvas Dashboard

Hi Team,
I’m trying to add a filter using query parmeters as I did before … It’s working fine even in Canvas Dashbaord but when I saved my changes this issue appeared.

Is the problem from the Save Button ?

is your canvas in a module? See the issue I reported here:

Might be related.


Hi Matt,
Yes the same issue I’m facing … Thank You
I hope they will fix it soon since it’s very important to us

Hi @Hamza_rashed and @Matt_Stone ,

This is indeed a bug on our end and is expected to be fixed in our next deployment within next week.
I will let you know when it’s resolved.

Best Regards,

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Hi @Hamza_rashed and @Matt_Stone,

Thank you for your patience. We have deployed a fix to address the issue. Can you help check whether everything is working as expected on your side now?