Option for embedded users to refresh data instead of using cached data

In the holistics UI, you can refresh the data that is being pulled to update tiles and no longer use cached data. This doesn’t seem to be an option for embedding. We would appreciate allowing this for our embed users.

One consideration that came up: how exactly does the refresh button work? There was a concern if this busts the cache for just the exact query, or for all similar queries and could cause performance issues. If it’s the latter, that’s less of a concern for us since most of our embed users have different permissions, thus different queries. However, if this might be a concern for others, then maybe it could be something that could be allowed / not allowed when embedding the iframe?

Hi @anya.conti,

We already have this feature and can enable you to try it.

  • To refresh Dashboard 3.0, click on the Refresh button in the top left corner (next to the title)
  • To refresh the Canvas Dashboard, click on the Refresh button in the bottom right corner (next to the timezone)

This button will bust the cache for just the exact query, not for all similar queries.

Best regards,

Hi Toan,

Thanks for explaining how the refresh works! That’s what I thought but wanted to confirm. As for the refresh button though, we’re not seeing it for embedded dashboard but we know where it is in the holistics UI.

Here’s the bottom of the canvas dashboard in the holistics UI, I see the refresh button next to the timezone.

Here’s the bottom of the embedded canvas dashboard - I’m not seeing the refresh button.

Are we missing something for embedded canvas dashboards? Is this a setting we need to enable? Thanks for the help!

All the best,

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Hi @anya.conti,

We enabled this feature for you, could you please try again to see the button?

Best regards,

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Perfect, just confirmed that it’s showing up and working as expected, thank you!