Launched: Public Embedding for Dashboards ๐ŸŒ

Launched: Public Embedding for Dashboards :globe_with_meridians:

Dashboards are essential for staying on top of your key metrics. Yet, they are often locked within analytics tools, separated from the daily workflows of business users. This creates extra friction for adoption.

Introducing Public Embedding capability for your Holistics Dashboards.

Whatโ€™s new?

You can now embed interactive Holistics Dashboards into:

  • Blog posts, websites
  • Internal tools (Notion, Coda, wikis)
  • Any platform supporting iframes

This feature allows you to edit, update, and refresh your published content effortlessly. Now, everyone in and outside your organization has access to the most current data in the right context.

How it works

Under the hood, we make our Sharable Link embeddable on the web. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to your dashboard.
  2. Click on Share > Sharable Link.
  3. Create a new Sharable Link.
  4. Embed this link in your application.


Public Embedding makes your dashboard viewable to anyone on the internet without authentication. Before publishing:

  • Ensure you have permission to share the data publicly
  • Review your organizationโ€™s data-sharing policies
  • Never publish confidential or proprietary information

:bulb: Tip: To securely embed your content in an internal portal or website, use our Embedded Analytics. This option ensures that all permissions and data security are enforced when your users view your internal data.

See it in actions

Want to see what it looks like? Check out these examples below :point_down:

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Hope you enjoy it :love_you_gesture: