Launched: Dashboard Metadata

Hi all,

:face_with_monocle: Have you ever stared at a dashboard not knowing what it’s about or who to ask for clarifications?

Worry no more! We’re excited to introduce a new component to your dashboards that will help you quickly view essential metadata for your dashboards :bar_chart:

With Dashboard Metadata, you can quickly scan for the dashboard descriptions, its creator, when it was last edited, frequent viewers and more. We hope this will give you a better understanding of your dashboard and help you make more informed decisions.

Note: This component only available for Dashboard 3.0 and is not visible in Sharable Links and Embedded Analytics.

Dashboard Metadata will initially be rolled out to new tenants at Holistics. We plan to extend this update to our existing customers in the near future. :tada: So, stay tuned for further announcements!

:point_down: Comment below if you’re interested in seeing this feature and how it might impact your experience with us. We would love to hear your thoughts.


Can you please enable the feature for PandaScore ? :pray:
This would be of great help.

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Hi @Jordan_Peltier :smile:

We have enabled this feature for your account. Would you mind checking if it now works well on your end?

It seems to work thanks !

I’m glad to know that it is helpful for your team @Jordan_Peltier
BTW, could you provide us with feedback after using that feature? Your input is invaluable in helping us determine if we should improve it in the future.
Thanks :pray: :smiley:

This is fantastic news. Can you please enable for Optimal Workshop.
We’d greatly appreciate this.
Thanks a million.

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hi @Guido_Stark
The dashboard metadata has been enabled for your account. Additionally, we would appreciate it if your team could give us feedback after using that feature.
Thank you so much :pray: :smile:

Hi @Jordan_Peltier @Guido_Stark,

We’ve just added a new setting that gives Admins control over the visibility of metadata in dashboards, so you can customize it to meet your security preferences. If you’re unable to see metadata in your dashboards, please go to Organization settings > General settings to double-check that the setting is enabled.

Feel free to check out more information on Dashboard Metadata here: Interact with your Dashboard | Holistics Docs

Hope this helps. Thank you :smile:

Thanks @Theodore_NT , @di.hoang

Have set this up and have a few thoughts.


  1. be consistent in the timing of last edits - either:
    Xw ago / Xm ago / Xy ago or
    X weeks ago / X month(s) ago / X year(s) ago.

At the moment you use 1y, 1 mon, etc

  1. It looks like there are a number of issues with the data being retrieved for the metadata. We see metadata on a dashboard that states a dashboard was last edited by a staff member a year ago. I actually made the last edit on this dashboard last week so the metadata appears to be pulling back incorrect information. I would have expected this to return last week and myself as the last person to edit. I would also expect as behaviour that any change to any widget in the dashboard would feed into the ‘last edited’ information, not just the if any global dashboard setting changed. Happy to chat further through this if that doesn’t make sense but at the moment it looks broken. I’m hugely supportive of this feature and if it can return the right data we’d be thrilled. Happy to jump on a call with someone if that’s going to be helpful.

  2. I feel like the metadata should come before the description. At the moment this comes at the bottom of the description and a long description means you have to scroll dow to get to the metadata. Suggest changing the order.

  3. All other features in terms of frequent viewers, views and favourites are great :slight_smile:



Hi @Guido_Stark,

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. We truly appreciate it. We agree with the majority of your suggestions and have already incorporated some of them into our upcoming iterations.

Regarding the last edited information, it should be updated whenever any user in your tenant makes changes to the dashboards, including modifications to the widgets within the dashboards. If you’re not experiencing this behavior, could you please provide us with screenshots or recordings via your in-app support form? This will help us investigate the issue further.

Thank you once again for your contribution!

Hey there! How does this feature get turned on?

Hi @Grant_Orchard,

Admins should be able to enable this feature in Organization Settings > General Settings.

Also, we’d love to hear your feedback after using this feature. Your input is valuable in helping us determine how we should improve it in the future.

Best regards :pray: :smiley:

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