Launched: Customizable messages in Data Schedule & Alert 📢

Hi there, :hugs:

We’re excited to announce a major upgrade to your notifications! You now have complete control over your Schedule and Alert messages, with the power to customize them using system variables.

:dart: What’s Changed?

Previously, you could only add text below our default messages.
Now, you can:

  • Fully customize the entire message content to match your company’s voice
  • Insert dynamic content using system variables (e.g., {{dashboard title}}, {{this month}})
  • Preview your message in real-time before sending
  • Easily restore to the default template if needed

For details, please check our public docs here:

:date: Timeline

  • [Released] Customizable message for Email Schedule & Alert
  • [Upcoming] Customizable message for Slack Schedule & Alert

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We value your input and are constantly working to improve your experience with Holistics. :blush: