Interactive tutorial?

Hey all, I was poking through my community settings and saw the badges piece here. The “certified” badge mentions completing an interactive tutorial. Anyone know where that’s located? Probably too basic at this point but might be good for some of my users.

I Mike, although I also never found the interactive tutorial either, I’m fairly certain it relates to a tutorial for the community forum software, rather than Holistics itself (feature of the Discourse forum software).

Maybe you already knew that, but it read as though you were looking for a Holistics tutorial for users to follow … which I agree would be a great thing to have; I’m in the process of recording a bunch of intro-videos for our users!

Yeah, that’s Discourse (forum software)'s tutorial.

Have guys tried this Walkthrough Tutorial? If it doesn’t fit your needs, would love to hear your feedback on it as well!

I didn’t know there was a discourse, is that an open channel? If so what’s the name? Video tuts would be great

Yep Anthony I did, took a bit to get setup because I guess it’s only on Singapore instance or something to that affect. Worked for me and I’d like to get my users to run through it as I bring them on but I think we have to contact support every time. It doesn’t follow the documentation steps to create if you’re in the US instance.