Hi there! I work for Spoiler Alert, and I’m working on setting up the dashboard embedding.
I’m struggling a bit getting Drillthroughs to work correctly, and I’m experiencing different issues with v3 and v4 reports.
v4 Dashboards
When I query the list of Dashboards, I can see which ones have drillthroughs enabled by going through:
and matching this value to the uname of the Dashboard I’m attempting to embed.
However, when I view the iframe, when I right-click, drillthroughs don’t seem to be working.
Is there a trick to getting embedded drills to work for v4 dashboards?
v3 Dashboards
Fortunately, Drillthroughs on v3 Dashboards DO function correctly, but I’m struggling with automating the lookup process. The endpoint https://secure.holistics.io/api/v2/dashboards does not return dynamic_filters, which contain the drillthrough_enabled property that I need. My hypothesis is that I can use the dynamic_filter.uname property to match the origin and destination dashboards for drillthroughs, but I don’t want to spam the API loading every single Dashboard individually so that I can inspect the dynamic_filters property, which the documentation SAYS should be returned with this request.
For the record, getting the v4 Dashboard drills to work is my highest priority.