Importing data from Google Sheets - Modelling 4.0


How can a Google Sheet be imported to Holistics?
I’ve found this Holistics instructions but I don’t have the same interface (I’m on 4.0 and instructions on 3.0).
I can’t replicate the steps.

Have this functionality disappeared in Modelling 4.0?

Thanks for the help,

Hi @Beatriz,

Welcome back to Holistics Community. This is Thinh from Product Team.

Regarding the Google Sheets import, Holistics 4.0 will not indeed support Data Import. For now, we recommend using dedicated EL tools like Fivetran, Airbyte and StitchData, etc. instead.

For more details on the feature comparison between Holistics 3.0 and 4.0, you can check out this doc: 3.0 vs 4.0: Feature Comparison | Holistics Docs

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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