Important Notice: Enforcing API parameter restrictions

Hi everyone :raising_hand_man:,

This is Tien from the Holistics Engineering team.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the reliability and security of Holistics services, we will be enforcing public API parameter restrictions.

:spiral_calendar: This change will take effect on December 1st, 2024.

What’s changing? :rocket:


  • API clients could send Query Parameters when the API specification requires Body Parameters, and vice versa.


  • API clients will have to send parameters correctly in Query or Body as specified in our API specification. Otherwise, the API requests would be rejected.

What you need to do :bulb:

:bulb: If you are already using Holistics API as specified on Holistics API | Holistics Docs (4.0), you don’t need to change anything.

Please double-check your API client and make sure to pass the parameters correctly as outlined in our Public API specification.

Here are some incorrect versus correct ways to pass parameters (emails and role) when using the API Invite Users.

  • Using curl

    • Incorrect

      curl -X POST '[][email protected]&role=admin'
    • Correct

      curl -X POST '' \
           -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
           -d '{"emails":["[email protected]], "role": "admin"}'
  • Using JS fetch

    • Incorrect

      const url = '[][email protected]&role=admin'
      fetch(url, { method: "POST" })
    • Correct

      const url = ''
      const params = {
      	emails: ['[email protected]'],
      	role: 'admin'
      	  method: "POST",
      	  body: JSON.stringify(params)),

What will happen after the December 1st, 2024? :spiral_calendar:

After December 1st, 2024, any API calls with incorrectly formatted parameters will receive a 400 Bad Request error.

Feedback :memo:

If you have any further concerns, please comment below or contact us at [email protected].

Cheers & all the best! :beers: