I want tips for Report Generation Times in Holistics

Hello Holistics Community,

This is my first query and I am not sure that this category is best for my query so if there are any mistake please forgive me I have been using Holistics for generating reports and dashboards for my association & it has been a fantastic tool for our data analysis needs As our datasets grow larger and our reports come more complex; I have noticed that the time it takes to induce many reports has increased significantly so I want to advice on how to optimize report generation times in Holistics.

I have a some questions
What are best way for optimizing SQL queries within Holistics. How does the structure of our data models impact report generation performance? Can indexing and partitioning strategies be applied within Holistics to speed up data access? How can I effectively use report scheduling and caching features in Holistics to improve performance? Are there specific settings that can help with this?
What are some ways to monitor and manage resource allocation to ensure optimal performance for report generation?
If anyone have any tips and suggestion please share.

I would greatly appreciate any insights, experiences you can share.

Thank you all in advance for your help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Amaramani ,

Thank you for the post!

I would strongly recommend you to look into these resources:

Then, depending on your specific use cases and constraints, you can apply the relevant optimizations.

To answer your questions in a generic way:

  • “How does the structure of our data models impact report generation performance?”
    • For this question, would you mind clarifying what you mean by “structure”?
  • “Can indexing and partitioning strategies be applied within Holistics to speed up data access?”
    • Yes.
      • For Table Models, you can apply indexing and partitioning strategies directly on your data warehouse tables.
      • For Query Models, you can use Custom Persistence DDL
  • “How can I effectively use report scheduling and caching features in Holistics to improve performance?”
    • You should set the scheduling and caching according to
      • The usage pattern/needs of your end-users.
      • The rate of new data going into your data warehouse.
    • For example
      • If your users only need to look at data of past days, but not today, you can set the Cache Duration to a high number like 3 days, 7 days.
      • If new data only goes into your data warehouse every 6 hours, you can set the Cache Duration to 6 hours and also set your schedules to the time right after the data ingestion schedules.
  • “What are some ways to monitor and manage resource allocation to ensure optimal performance for report generation?”

Here are some other features that you can use to control or optimize the performance in Holistics (which are also mentioned in the 2 Guides that I linked at the beginning):

Nevertheless, there are lots of factors involved in report performance.
Thus, if you need more help to optimize your specific setup and use cases, please feel free to reach out to our Support team using this form.

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Hello @datbth Thank you for your response and resources. I will look into partitioning and Custom Persistence DDL. Your scheduling examples are helpful for me. I will use Usage Monitoring for optimization. :slightly_smiling_face:

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