File should return Model error when creating models + relationships

I get a "“File should return Model” error when relationships are defined below the model like this :

Model ecommerce_order_items{....}
Relationship rel_category {
  type: 'many_to_one'
  from: ref('ecommerce_order_items','category_id')
  to: ref('ecommerce_products','category_code')

When relationships are declared before the model everything works :

Relationship rel_category {
  type: 'many_to_one'
  from: ref('ecommerce_order_items','category_id')
  to: ref('ecommerce_products','category_code')
Model ecommerce_order_items{....}
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Hi @dacou,

Currently, we use the last object in the file as model/dataset.
Thus, when you position your Model { } on top, Relationship { } at the bottom, we will interpret it as Relationship.

This brings quite a negative experience so we will improve it in the future, thank you so much for your contribution.

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