Enhance navigation in dashboards with Section Jumps

For long and complex dashboards, we find it useful to create Section jumps that allow dashboard viewers to easily navigate between different parts of the dashboard.

With Canvas Dashboard, you can easily create Section jumps by playing around with Text blocks.

How it works

In Canvas Dashboard, every block is identified by a unique name (uname). You can utilize this uname as the href attribute in HTML links.

To create Section jumps for easier navigation, create new Text blocks and add the following Markdown snippet to your Text block:

[Link to Block](#block-uname)

or simple HTML hyperlinks

<a href="#block-uname">Link to Block</a>

Put this block on top of your Canvas Dashboard to guide viewers through different section of the dashboard.

:point_down: See it in actions

Do you find this useful? Show us how you implement Section jumps in your own dashboards :point_down: