Copy values from embedded reports seems broken in chrome

Hello, we’ve gotten this report from multiple users and I’ve confirmed the same behavior. Copying values from embedded reports seems to be broken in chrome. Details:

  • It works in firefox so we have a workaround, but this is not ideal to tell our customers to change browsers
  • Copying works in the holistics UI, it’s only when it’s embedded as an iframe that it seems to be broken
  • We’ve tried both “Copy formatted values” and “Copy raw values” and no luck with either one

Thanks in advance for any help and happy lunar new year to the holistics team!

Hi Anya,

I’ve sent a follow-up email to [email protected] to discuss this further. Please check your inbox at your convenience.

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For anyone else running into this, holistics suggested to add clipboard-read and clipboard-write permissions. Here’s the example they sent me:

<iframe src="embedded_url" allow="clipboard-read; clipboard-write"></iframe>

This seems to have fixed the issue for us for chrome.

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