Chart export not working on holistics

Since 2-3 days, i’ve been trying to export various charts on PNG, JPEG, SVG unsuccessfully.
I’ve tried on 2 browsers to see if it was browser specific.
the PDF export seems to work.

Is there an issue to be solved?

Hi Serge,

Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
After investigating, we admit that it’s a bug from our side. We are working on the fix and will contact you as soon as it is released.

We apologize for any inconvenience that you are experiencing.
Best regards,

Hi Serge,

Thanks for your patience while we were fixing the issue. The fix has been released, it should work now. Please help check again on your side.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience that you are experiencing. Feel free to contact us again if you need further assistance.
Best regards,

Hello Uyen,
Sorry I did not come back earlier.
The fix has worked partially and the problem is now the following:

  1. when exporting JPEGs, the background is now black instead of white
  2. when exporting PNGs, it works fine
  3. when exporting PDFs, it works fine
  4. when exporting SVGs, the X and Y axis elements are too small to be seen (0.8 pt vs 11 pt previously)

Can you check


Hi Serge,

Thank you for getting back.

We are working on the first issue. For the 4th issue, could you help attach the SVG that shows “X and Y axis elements are too small”? It will help us quickly reproduce and work on the fix soon.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,