Change the color of the bars in Chart

Hi Team,
I have created a chart as the below … I need to make each bar has a different background color … I know they have the same column so because of that they listed with the same color … But I need a way to change it like excel … In Excel file when we duple click on any bar in the chart we will be able to change the color of that bar …


Hi @Hamza_rashed,

To change the bar color, we suggest using the “Legend” instead of the “X-axis.” Your chart settings should be as follows:

  • X-axis: None
  • Legend: Planner Name Task
  • Y-axis: Avg of Until Confirm

This will enable you to change the bar color in the Y-axis section.

We understand that this is a workaround and we are looking into improving this functionality.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you require additional assistance :blush: