Any way to search which dashboards are composed of which datasets / which datasets are composed of which data models?

I have some tables in my data warehouse and I’m not sure if they’re being used in Holistics. I can see that they have Holistics data models, but is there any way to search for which datasets use them? And which dashboards/widgets use those datasets?

Hi @Ian_McLaren,

Thanks for your suggestion! I’m glad to let you know that this feature is already on our roadmap. Our team is researching how to enhance visibility of the connections between data models, datasets, and dashboards/widgets in Holistics. We’ll keep you updated on any progress.

Feel free to ask if you have more questions!

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A quick workaround is to clone the code repo locally and use an editor with a code search function to search for the name of the model. For example below I search for a model name “mart_core_business_customers” within all datasets by restricting the file patterns to “*.dataset.aml”.

Here I search for references to dataset “embedded_analytics_information” within all canvas dashboards by restricting the file patterns to “*.page.aml”:

Here I search for references to the field “” within all dashboards by inputting: “ref(‘mart_core_business_customers’, ‘current_mrr_usd’)” as the search pattern