AML Modules and duplicate name conflict

I’m trying to move a bit of functionality into a module and the studio is complaining. I’m planning to move the value_survey to a module, standardize naming and republish the dataset. I expect there to be other modules in the Clarus product that we will create over time. Here’s what my tree looks like:

$ tree common_models/
├── clarus
│   ├── module
│   │   └── value_survey
│   │       ├── 1_table_model
│   │       │   └── clarus_c_survey_response.model.aml
│   │       ├── 2_dim_model
│   │       └── 3_fact_model
│   └── value_survey
│       ├── 1_base_models
│       │   ├── clarus_c_survey_response.model.aml
│       │   └── clarus_c_value_invitations_sent.model.aml
│       ├── 2_transform_model
│       │   ├── clarus_c_survey_response_questions.model.aml
│       │   ├── response_question_nps.model.aml
│       │   ├── response_question_scale.model.aml
│       │   └── survey_invitations.model.aml
│       ├── 3_dim_survey
│       │   ├── clarus_dim_survey_questions.model.aml
│       │   └── clarus_dim_survey_types.model.aml
│       └── 9_datasets
│           └── c_value_survey.dataset.aml
├── public_client.model.aml
└── relationships.aml

when I copied clarus_c_survey_response.model.aml into the module tree, I got a Duplicated Name error:

/common_models/clarus/module/value_survey/1_table_model/clarus_c_survey_response.model.aml (1:1): 
Duplicated name 'clarus_c_survey_response'(there is other 'clarus_c_survey_response' in file '/common_models/clarus/value_survey/1_base_models/clarus_c_survey_response.model.aml'). (aml2016)

Am I misreading the docs that say Object names are unique within the module scope?

Hi @Matt_Stone,

To define the module, the directory must be name modules, but in your tree structure, it named module (without s).
The tree structure looks good to me, except the misspell module directory.

Could you please try to rename it to check whether it works as expected?