AML Extension for VS Code - Not allowing to stage / commit changes

I noticed that VS Code has an extension available for Holistics AML

I’m trying to use this with our AML files, however when used (on both models and datasets) it flags multiple errors (mostly that it cannot load the import model files but also that it doesn’t recognise type Model or type Dataset. The aml files are direct from our production system, so definitely valid.

But because of these errors being flagged, VS Code then doesn’t allow me to stage or commit changes


For the import statements, I suspect this is cache related - if I make an edit to each source model I"m trying to import, then the model importing them no longer shows the error. But can’t seem to resolve the model / dataset errors.


Is this extension being actively worked on, or should I just remove it?


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Hi @david-ri ,

I see that you’ve already developed aml locally and sync’ed via External git :smile:

Actually, Holistics AML VSCode extension is just a playground of AML on VSCode, to experience the language. We haven’t brought Holistics objects (Model, Dataset, Relationship,…) to this extension yet.

In the future, we do have a plan to make the extension more powerful but at the moment, the extension is not introduced officially yet.

Thanks for your feedback David.

Thanks @Khai_To , yeah appreciate it probably wasn’t designed for prime-time yet - I can disable it. But I suspect when external git rolls out there’ll be plenty of demand for this, so would be good to get it behaving a bit better for when that rollout occurs, else I think more people will raise this issue :slight_smile:

Hi @david-ri,
We have just launched a new version of the aml extension. Could you update it on your side?