Add Folders in Datasets to group Fields

Hi @david-ri ,

I think your example AML completely makes sense and very intuitive also. :+1:

@huy any chance that this feature gets on the roadmap somewhere soon?

Thanks for asking Abdel, I personally am very keen to get this implemented, because I feel the pain here as a user myself. I’m pushing internally to get this implemented within Q3 this year! Hope to be able to give you good news soon.

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@huy thanks you very much

Hi Huy, any updates on this?

Being able to control where a particular field appears in a presentation layer (i.e. appearing in a user-controllable model or folder) would be a massive help in organising the front-end.



Hi @Alex_H
I believe that there are several possible solutions for the same problem “Organizing fields in dataset”. It can be either supporting folder grouping in dataset (like Abdel’s suggestion), or ability to hide unnecessary fields in a particular dataset,… or all of them.
So we decided to put this request into our backlog and then spend more time researching on the solution first. I’ll let you know if we have any plan to implement it in the next few months :blush:

I suggest looking at things like how PowerBI and other do this.

IMO being able to organise the list of fields and put into folders, so that hierarchical fields can be grouped together and that implicit relationship is now very explicit to your report users can easily be seen. At the moment, without complex naming conventions, this implicit relationship is hidden and people cannot see and understand it.

Just hiding fields won’t be enough in this context to make the dataset understandable for users.

I want to bump this topic again because I believe it is quite an essential UX feature. As mentioned here, other tools have this implemented and Looker with the LookML “group label” could serve as inspiration for an AML implementation.

Totally agreed. This topic is already 8 months old, I would also like to see at least an ETA

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Thanks for raising this @Abdel and @Gabriel. I agree with you that this is quite an essential UX feature. We’re going through product roadmap exercise right now, and I’ll be sure to bring this up with the team. I’ll get back to you when we have any update on this.

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Hi @huy
Any updates on this?

Hi @Abdel,

Our team is now concentrating on developing the as-code modeling layer; thus we have decided that we will not be able to meet your request at this time. Please know that our team carefully evaluated your request, and has come to this decision based on both business direction and customer interests.

We also want to let you know that this feature request has already been added to our 23Q1 backlog. Our team will get back to you soon when there’s any new update on it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Abdel @Gabriel,

We are working on an upcoming feature Dataset View that can potentially addresses the problems discussed above. :point_down: Would you mind check it out and share us your thoughts on it?

:card_index_dividers: [Upcoming] Customizable Dataset Views - Product Releases - Holistics Community


Hi @Abdel @Gabriel and all,

We’ve released a new feature called Custom Dataset Views that allow analysts to:

  • Group relevant fields and models to provide better context.
  • Reorder fields and models to highlight frequently used models and fields by putting them on top.
  • Hide fields and models that are not relevant to end users.

For more details, check out Custom Dataset View | Holistics Docs or discuss on this thread.

Hi @Theodore_NT ,

I have just got around to trying this out and it’s a good first step.

For me the problematic piece of this solution is having to define the groups and ordering over and over again for specific table.

For instance, if I have a table Products then I use that in 4 different datasets, I have to define the groups/hierarchies and ordering 4 different times.

What would be great here is the ability to define a default view for each table, which can then be overridden in the dataset if required.

Is this something you are considering for this feature?

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Hi @DataGeekDude,

This is a great input! We’ve added it into our backlog for future enhancements and will inform you when we have plan to support this.

Cheers :love_you_gesture:

Hi @Theodore_NT,

I went ahead and pushed a change to a dataset and I cannot see this in when I go to create a chart. It’s just the same list of fields as before. Do I need to ask for this to be enabled for my account?

Also, I demo’d this to our analysts and they love the idea but agree that some of our dimension table that are used across lots and lots of places having to copy/paste the same view definition to multiple datasets is really inconvenient, and if you add a new field to an existing model, you now have lots of places to go an update the view definition for, which is really painful.

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Hi @DataGeekDude,

Sorry for the late response! We’ve recently made some changes to the availability of Custom Dataset View, but this should not affect you. Would you mind checking if you can see Custom Dataset View available in your account? If this problem persists, could you send us a support ticket following this guideline: Support Hours & SLA | Holistics Docs ?

Also, thank you very much for your insight. We’ll keep you inform once we have plans to improve this!

How do I check if you can see it in my account? Is it a feature flag or something in the settings?

You should see this Custom Dataset View icon in all datasets when in “Preview” in Modeling or in Reporting tab.
