[๐Ÿš€ Launched] Our brand new Analytics Query Language, AQL!

Hi @dacou

We have officially supported creating adhoc AQL Dimension in the Reporting side.

Do let me know if you have any questions :smile:


This is an interesting use case for a problem iโ€™m having. When you add Country as a dimention to aggregate by - the executed query is showing that you start with order item and then left join country by an id. What happens then in a scenario where a country exists in the country table but doesnโ€™t have an order? From that executed query you would be missing a data point saying that there are 0 revenue. How would you build the AQL / relationships to ensure you see that data point?

Hi @nicholashernandezjlo

Thanks for raising the concerns. To explain why Holistics choose such joining strategy, there are 2 reasons:

  1. It prevents fan-out/double aggregation on measures.
  2. It avoids data anomalies where the data doesnโ€™t conform to the relationship. For example: Given that we have orders > country (n-1 relationship). Then, orders without country info will show up with a null country column when you aggregate them by country.

What happens then in a scenario where a country exists in the country table but doesnโ€™t have an order? From that executed query you would be missing a data point saying that there are 0 revenue.

Your concern is indeed valid. As for now, If you wish to see the countries that are having 0 revenue, you could workaround by adding count(countries.id) field into your visualization.

How would you build the AQL / relationships to ensure you see that data point?

As for now, AQL does not provide such utility but we would definitely consider it carefully.

Please donโ€™t hesitate to reach out to us if you have further concerns.