Customize your sort order of a text column in the table

Currently, when sorting the column that has text (or string) data type, the order will be sorted alphabetically.

For example, you have the column with 3 distinct values: high, medium, low. If your sort descending, the order will be like below which is unexpected

priority (desc)

The correct order should be:

priority (desc)

Since the sort is not customizable, you could utilize our business calculation to transform your value into 1-low, 2-medium, 3-high and apply the sort afterward

priority (desc)

The sample syntax for transforming the column using business calculation could be

  when: your_model.priority == 'High', then: '3-High',
  when: your_model.priority == 'Mid', then: '2-Mid',
  when: your_model.priority == 'Low', then: '1-Low',
  else: 'others'
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This is a good tip, and we actually build the dimensions in the models to do this. But, what would be preferable would be being able to have a distinct sort order field.

Even better perhaps, having a sort key defined within the dimension definition, so it always orders correctly rather than users needing to know to use a separate sort field - a bit like what we already do in that case statement, but where the output is stored as a separate key pair.


That’s is a very good idea @david-ri, what I have imagined could be something like

dimension priority {
    label: 'Priority'
    type: 'text'
    order_by: 'priority_index'

dimension priority_index {
    label: 'Priority Index'
    type: 'number'
    hidden: true

Of course, this is just an idea and we can actually make it better in the future. But feel free to drop any of your suggestions below


I would also vote for this type of idea. We have a string field with > 10 unique values. Using the above “workaround” does not work as the ordering is:
1 - val1
10 - val10
11 - val11
Which is obviously incorrect also.

Many other BI tools (Data Studio, PowerBI) already allow you to do this and I think it is a key feature that is required.

I guess we can do something like “01 - val1”, but yeah, the workaround is not scalable, the long-term solution is being voted and discussed here

Hi, I appreciate this thread is from a while ago but custom sort is something we’ve been discussing in our team, is there anything on the roadmap for bringing in custom sorting?